Fieracavalli, Between International Character & Tradition...

To the discovery of ancient cultures linked to the world of horses

After the great success of the 2008 edition, with a record-breaking number of spectators (over 150 thousand, up 4% on the previous year), Fieracavalli - International Horse Festival continues its world tour promoting the world of horses.


The event hosted more than 700 exhibitors from 25 countries, 880 journalists and 2,500 animals on an overall surface of 350 thousand square meters, and confirmed itself as an international reference point for horse lovers and those who are just starting.

It is the ability to represent the entire equestrian world that makes of Fieracavalli the most prestigious of all the horses' world, the sports and the collateral initiatives that communicate its passion. The Verona show fulfils every curiosity: from the renowned Rolex FEI World Cup to the thrilling Barrel Racing, from conformationto evening shows, every year this event increases the number of competitions.

The Arab Horse Exhibition is one of this year's key events, featuring folklore, past, history and a long list of spectacular attractions.

The Arab horse has a dedicated space within Fieracavalli, where visitors will be captured by the myths that have always accompanied this wonderful animal. Thanks to the beauty and elegance of its forms, the Arab has become an aesthetic point of reference for experts and amateurs alike, and turned the Arab Horse Exhibition into a very appealing section of the long-running event. 150 purebred Arabians bred in excellent studs from all over Europe are the eagerly awaited guests of the European Championship. ECAHO (European Conference of Arab Horse Organization) decided to entrust the organization of the championship for the seventh time to ANICA, the Italian Arabian Horse Association, which finds in Fieracavalli the ideal partner and showcase. Six international judges will be called to score the competing horses and choose the European Champion for each category. There will be many important studs, VIPs from the Arab world and showbiz people who share the same passion. Demonstrations of conformation, elegance and ability will be accompanied by the atmospheric scenery designed for Aida, which Fondazione Arena di Verona kindly lends to Fieracavalli.

The novelty for this year will be the First Italian Conformation Cup, dedicated to excellent horses born and bred in Italy. The competition will consist of 4 categories (colts up to 3 years old, fillies up to 3 years old, stallions aged 3 and over, mares aged 3 and over) which will be scored on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th by one single judge. The ANICA-registered purebred Arabian horses will also compete in some Western riding specialities: WESTERN PLEASURE, where the horse must show off his/her horse at walking pace, trotting and galloping over the four sides of the arena and in both directions. The horse is then scored according to the elasticity and fluidity of the gaits; and also the well-known POLE BENDING and BARREL RACING. In between competitions during the Arab Horse Exhibition there will be some equestrian shows by the ANICA show group.

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