Quarry Hill Farm Open House

10091_mediumQuarry Hill Farm is hosting their 2010 Open House! On Satuday September 4th, 2010 from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM, come down and join them as they present their 2010 foals and yearlings as well as their incredible line-up of stallions! They are pleased to announce that Peter Stachowski will be their special guest presenter this year.

The scheduled events are:

12 Noon- Open Barns
1:00 pm- Barbecue Lunch
2:00 pm- Presentation of Horses
3:00 pm- Peter Stachowski Presentation

Quarry Hill Stallions:
On The Mark
QH Manoleté

2010 Foals & Yearlings by: 
Afire Bey V
Baske Afire
Hey Hallelujah
IXL Noble Express
On The Mark

This event will be held rain or shine!

For additional information please contact:

Phone: 860-435-2571
Email: info@quarryhillfarm.com
Website: www.quarryhillfarm.com

RESERVATIONS REQUIRED. RSVP at 860-435-2571 or email info@quarryhillfarm.com