The Magnificent Seven of Aretusa Arabians Team

The Sicilian stud that has stood up the most over the last few years with its important results achieved in Italy and abroad and thanks also to the quantity and quality of the show horses in its stables is undoubtedly the Aretusa Arabian Team. Its owner, Mr. Giuseppe Palumbo, has managed to purchase excellent horses that are really important in terms of bloodlines and of competitive skills.

There are so many champions in this wonderful stud, which is always in pursuit of new talents and achievements, and many of them are Egyptian related and straight Egyptians. Products of *Ansata Alim Shah, di *Ansata Shaamis, di *Ansata Malik Shah, di *Ibn Galal, di *Abass El Din, di *Ruminaja Bajt, e di *Thee Desperado are some of them, but we are going to mention many others that are part of this Center. 

Why the magnificent seven? The reason why is easily explained. In a very short time, Aretusa Arabians has managed to being able to compete in international shows of the highest level. For each horse this stud has created its own title developing and researching a specific training program, never improvising but planning every step of the competitive season for each individual horse.

So congratulations to *ZT Shajat, *ZT Magbilt, *Adib, *Magic Zair, *TS Apolo, *RFI Farid, *Aretusa Malik Shah, and the list could go on ad on...   

The stud was established in Sicily, entirely managed by the Palumbo family, who never spare themselves in putting in the effort, commitment and energy required if one wants to achieve outstanding results. And the efforts paid off in a relatively short time, if we look at the horses of international stature which represent the stud at the most important shows. It is not by chance that many important people of the Arabian horse world have come to visit this stud from every corner of the world.

The team consists of people driven by the most noble of passions that the Arabian horse, this wonderful creature, deserves. In addition to the Palumbo family, other people with their sensitivities have joined over the years to share this wonderful passion, starting with Luigi and Carmelo Palermo, Mr. Salvatore Conti, Mr. Salvatore Linares, Mr. Sebastiano Giarratana, Mrs. Daniele Lo Bello, Mrs. Lorenzo Gallitto, Mrs. Daniele Lombardo and from Mrs. Imma Ferrari, Mrs. Irene Savà, Mrs. Gabriella Flaccavento, Mrs. Carmen Caporale, Mrs. Domenica Lombardo, and many other friends who regularly come to the Center and are interested in having their mares covered, obtaining the most appropriate advice on the right stallion. At Aretusa you are really spoilt for choice. Well aware of this are friends such as Antonio Miuccio, Luca, Daniele e Gianni Morando, Giovanni Felis, Daniel, Corrado Bellomia, Giovanni Carnemolla, Giuseppina Boncoraggio, Raffaele Vasquez, Lorenzo... Breeders of straight Egyptians and not, with their ambitious plan, come to the Aretusa Arabians to take advantage of their stallions or get advice on how to match the right stallion to the most suitable mare from Giuseppe Palumbo, who is always happy to give a word of advice. Thanks to the experience acquired over the years, the breeding expertise and the far-sightedness, the stud has managed to select the gems that can be found today in every self-respecting stud. The choices have been successful, given the national and international successes that have marked the stud's competition record of the last four years, creating champions and seeing the range of victories expand year after year. The most recent success was last January, when the latest purchase of Aretusa Arabians, *RFI Farid won the International B show organized by the Al Khalediah Stables in Saudi Arabia. This horse is just two years old, but has already reached an excellent fame. This wonderful horse, imported from Brazil, fully repaid the owner's expectations, obtaining incredible victories thanks to the relationship established with his skilled presenter, Mr. Luca Oberti of the Arabian Show Training, who has managed to well interpret the horse and highlight his talents. In 2010, Farid will be part of the group of young stallions operating in the Center. Lots is expected from him, both in terms of growth of breeding at Aretusa Arabians and for those who will want to cover their mares, always with an eye to the careful matching.

In the near future, three rising star of the stud will take part in competitions: *Aretusa Malik Shah, a Straight Egyptian owned by the the Saklawi Jedran family in partnership with Mr. Luigi Palermo, was named Unanimous Champion Stallion in his first time in a show in Giardini Naxos. The ambitious breeding program of this powerful stallion has already produced gems of fine and very typey horses. L'Aretusa Arabian and Mr. Luigi Palermo are very proud of the first offspring of this stallion. *Aretusa Qatara and *Aretusa Ali will also take part in the competitions, which will be the first ones for them. But let us not forget other top horses that have been successful since their debut in competitions, such as Aretusa's "Batman", *TS Apolo, imported from Brazil in 2004 and just 11 months old, which flew the flag for this stud in 2008 and carried out his task exceptionally, winning the titles of Unanimous Champion Stallion at the International show in Boario and Unanimous Italian Champion Stallion. As a result, he has become very popular among breeders, who have often chosen him for their mares.

Aretusa Arabian boasts also some outstanding mares with good attitude towards competitions, like *Dinara El Hylan, *Lumiar Bachianna, *Nora ZT, *Bay Sahjat owned by Mr. Salvatore Linares, *Magic Aretusa national champion, *PWA Asifa, *Shamira Pal and many others.

There are obviously great expectations for the offspring of *TS Apolo, *Aretusa Malik Shah, *Magic Zair and *Adib which will be born shortly. And the satisfaction is huge for those foals who have already been born at the center: *Aretusa Adib, *Aretusa Akim, *Aretusa Flash, *Aretusa Orfeo, *Aretusa Ulisse, *Iblea Malika of the Palermo family.

2009 started under an excellent star for Aretusa Arabian, but commitment and not just in breeding, pays off and Aretusa is the proof.

We were sorry to leave this wonderful stud, which has the colors and the unbeatable scents of a surprising Sicilian spring.